Sea Otters & the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
We are proud to announce that we are Certified Wildlife Stewards for Elkhorn Slough and Monterey. This award represents 35 years of dedicated and conscientious business practices to foster marine education and recreation. Read more here.....
SEA OTTERS, SEALS & OTHER MARINE LIFE Help sea otters survive and thrive. It's always more fun and rewarding to watch animals and their natural behavior from a distance, instead of trying to get closer and just scaring them away from you!
Monterey Bay and Elkhorn Slough are 2 areas with some of the highest concentrations of the California Southern Sea Otter (one of 3 subspecies). Once there were hundreds of thousands living all along the Pacific coast, but they were almost brought to extinction during the 1800's because of being hunted for their amazingly dense fur. Now, the CA southern sea otter is listed as a threatened species with less than 3100 individuals left. There are many factors that affect their health and survival--they can get sick from disease, not find enough of the food they need, be bitten by white sharks,--to name a few. Disturbance of their natural behaviors by humans is another factor that affects their health and ability to thrive.
Even though most people don't intend to disturb sea otters, getting too close (i.e. trying to get a close-up photo) can cause accidental harassment, and can harm them by disrupting critical activities such as sleeping, resting, grooming, foraging and eating. Keep in mind sea otters must eat, groom, and rest a lot (about half the day for optimal health). This cumulative stress and wasted energy can impact their health, especially mothers who are already working very hard to care for their pups. Follow "Sea Otter Savvy" on Twitter
Sea Otter Savvy on Facebook Watch otters from the Elkhorn Slough Foundation's Otter Cam |
Business & Tourism AwardWe received the Sea Stars Business and Tourism Award from the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation on Sept 22 2019.
" ...Since 1985, Monterey Bay Kayaks has been a pioneer in establishing ecotourism. Staff are trained to the highest level: from kayaking skills, to safety and responsible wildlife viewing and interpretive MBNMS messages and stories to their clients. With locations in Monterey and Elkhorn, thousands of kayakers have experienced the sanctuary, its incredible beauty and biodiversity. MBKs’ strong commitment to ecotourism was reinforced recently when Monterey Bay Kayaks hosted a Responsible Wildlife Viewing Festival for Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuarys’ 2019 Get Into Your Sanctuary Day." Get to know the Monterey Bay National Marine SanctuaryDONATE TO TEAM OCEAN![]() MBK has been a huge supporter of the Monterey Bay National Marine sanctuary’s Team Ocean program, providing training and kayak equipment to volunteers from both her shop’s locations in Monterey and Moss Landing.